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September 2013

The All New Issue: New Site! New Slogan! Mobile Theming!

JCH Web Development Newsletter September, 2013

Marketing, Design And Development In Seattle

Hurray! School's Back In

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(206) 949-0892mail@jchwebdev.com

It's The All New Issue!

This issue is all about 'new', baby.

New Site

New year, new site theme. Why? Well for starters, if I don't keep my site fresh, how can I recommend that you do the same? Also, I'm always bugging you to death about 'simplicity'. So this version is something of an essay in 'as simple as it gets'.

I also wanted to demonstrate what 'theming' in Wordpress can and cannot do. This is basically the same content as the old site. Creating this theme was about ten hours of work. So you can do a lot to freshen your site in a short time.

But this also shows what a theme cannot do. Most of the time when people contact me to refresh a site, the theme is really not the issue. If the theme is 'the gift wrap', then the content is the goodies inside. Most of the time, when people are unhappy with a site, it's the content that is the problem. After all, a new theme can't tell people what is new about you. And a new theme usually won't help your search engine results. In fact, putting a new wrapper on a site with poor content tends to make the absence of good copy and imagery stick out all the more.

In short, as I always say, think of your site from the inside out. Like a good house, if the basic layout is good, it's easy to quickly spruce things up. If not? We should look at correcting the structure before we think about a new coat of paint.

New Slogan

I've been moving more and more towards branding what I do as 'marketing' and less and less as 'web guy'. It's not really a career change so much as being more direct about what I do. I've always tried to convince people that it's the message that matters most. If you want to look like a million bucks, you need a clear and consistent message. I save you time and money by making sure that is the case. It's easier for a small business like you to leave that to a guy like me rather than trying to make sure your designer, web developer, print company are all on the same page (no pun intended.)

Now those guys who offer 'COMPLETE WEB SITE FOR $399!' are selling (very nice looking) rubbish because it assumes that their stock photography and layout fits you. They're assuming that you can just pour in some great copy (from where exactly, I have no idea.) And they're assuming you won't notice that despite the claims, they provide almost zero search engine help.

In short, although a marketing plan doesn't have to cost a fortune, it is not a commodity; it requires a thoughtful, dare I say 'holistic' approach. Hopefully my new slogan says that. Without needing to resort to words like 'holistic' .

New Mobile Theme

One of the most common questions I get these days is, 'do I need an app?' Probably not. What you do want is to make sure your site is easy to find and displays properly on various devices. So what you probably do need is a mobile theme. To see what I mean, please visit my humble site via yer fave 'smartphone' and compare with the regular web site on your computer.

Although most well-designed web sites look OK on a smaller device, a mobile theme makes the call to action much, much easier. Buttons are bigger. Key text is more prominent. Data entry fields are actually readable. If you want to get users to respond from their device? A mobile theme is a must.

Same Ol' Message

So I have a new site design, and a new slogan; but the same ol' message. Because the message never changes: provide a clear, direct message that reflects who you are and what you can do for your audience. And make sure that people can find the information they need!


As I always say, I know you're busy. Hopefully my occasional nags help you think about how you can get more benefits from your e-marketing. But even if you don't have a thing for me to work on at present (shocking but possible) drop me a line anyway and let me know how things are going; market-wise or otherwise. It's always good to hear from you.

Wishing you a fantastic fall!

JC Harris


  • New Site!
    It's important to review your site from time to time and give it a fresh coat of paint. You wouldn't trust a storefront that never changed its displays right?
  • New Slogan!
    What is your business in one sentence? Also good to think about from time to time!
  • Mobile Theming!
    Unless your site is extremely small, you should consider a separate mobile theme to make it easy for users on smartphones and small tablets to learn about you.
(206)949-0892 JCHWebDev
Marketing, Design & Development
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It's simple. You need a web site that works. Branding people remember. Copy that gets results. So... let's go!

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